My current research is based on developing multidimensional materials for therapeutic and diagnostic applications against Neurodegenerative Disorders.
Research interests include:
Organic Synthesis
Protein Spectroscopy and protein misfolding
Neurodegenerative diseases
Biomaterials science
Physico-Organic Chemistry
Our prime target is to design and synthesize a small molecule smart probe that will (a) bind with toxic Aβ oligomers selectively, (b) resist the amyloid fibrillation pathway, and (c) remove the toxic species from the brain. Our aim is to develop the diagnostics and therapeutics approach in a single platform. We will embed our synthesized small molecule probe in a prototype transistor device for the detection of unstable toxic oligomeric species which is a need of the hour. The reason behind choosing these small molecules is because of the tendency to cross the Blood-Brain-Barrier as it will be the crucial thing to do drug delivery. Furthermore, the T-shaped structure of the molecule will well-fitted in the binding pocket of the Aβ molecule. So, dictated by the essence of “fast and affordable healthcare products” we at IIT Guwahati would cater to the much-required cost effective and minimally invasive approach for the diagnosis and treatment of this life-threatening disease Alzheimer at an early stage.

Future model of the device for the early-stage detection of Alzheimer's Disease