• header-logo.png Department of Electronics and Electrical Engineering
    Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati
header-logo.png Department of Electronics
and Electrical Engineering
Rakhesh Singh Kshetrimayum

Prof. Rakhesh Singh Kshetrimayum


Key Research Areas : Printed antenna and DRA design for 5G and beyond applications; Microwave filter and other passive device design using SSPP structures for 5G and beyond; 5G and beyond: Cell-free massive MIMO, RIS aided wireless communications

Phone No: +91-361-2582514 (O) | Email: krs@iitg.ac.in| Room No: 203

Personal Website   IRINS


Title : Metamaterials Engineered Microwave Devices
Duration : 3
Funding agency : Dept. of Science & Technology
Budget : 8.52
PI : Rakhesh Singh Kshetrimayum
Status : Completed

Title : Design of a CMOS integrated circuits for an in-band full-duplex radio
Duration : 3
Funding agency : Dept. of Science & Technology
Budget : 31.9
PI : Nagarjuna Nallam
Co-PI : Rakhesh Singh Kshetrimayum
Status : Completed