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Rajen Kumar Sinha

Professor Ph.D. (IIT Bombay)

+91 (0)361 258 2612    rajen ◊ iitg ⋅ ac ⋅ in

Research Area: Numerical Analysis (Numerical Anaysis of PDEs)
Room No: E-203
Personal Website | IRINS Profile

Department Responsibilities:
DUPC, Member


  • Finite Element Methods (FEM) for PDEs and PIDEs
  • Interface Problems
  • Optimal Control Problems
  • Mixed FEM
  • Adaptive FEM
  • Finite Volume Method
  • Composite FEM
  • Fractional Parabolic PDEs


  • Ph.D. - Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, India
  • M.Sc. - Utkal University, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India


Professional Experience:

  • Since December 2015 , Professor (HAG)
  • 2009 - November 2015, Professor
  • 2005 -- September, 2009: Associate Professor
  • 2001 -- November, 2005: Assistant Professor
  • March, 1999 -- July, 2001: Senior Lecturer


Research Visits:

  • Institute for Scientific Computation, Texas A & M University, USA (December 2003 to December 2004)
  • ETH Zurich, Switzerlan, July 2007.
  • University of Toronto, Canada, July 2011.
  • University of Darmstadt, Germany, September 2012.


Administrative Experience:

  • Chairman, OLIC (2012 - 2014)
  • Head, Department of Mathematics (2009 - 2012)
  • Chairman, JEE - IIT Guwahati (2008)
  • Vice-Chairman, JEE - IIT Guwahati (2007)



Teaching Current Semester: Odd (July 2023 - November, 2023)

  • Course Name: Differential Equations
  • Course No.: MA 662


Courses Taught at Postgraduate Level:

  • MA745: Theory of Distributions and Sobolev Spaces
  • MA751: Differential Equations and Boundary Value Problems
  • MA771: Advanced Numerical Analysis
  • MA773: Finite Element Methods
  • MA662: Differential Equations
  • MA522: Linear Algebra
  • MA542: Differential Equations
  • MA543: Functional Analysis
  • MA571: Numerical Linear Algebra
  • MA572: Numerical Analysis
  • MA573: Numerics of PDEs


Courses Taught at Undergraduate Level:

  • MA101: Mathematics I
  • MA102: Mathematics II
  • MA201: Mathematics III
  • MA322: Scientific Computing
  • MA562: Mathematical Modelling and Numerical Simulation
  • MA311M: Scientific Computing
  • MA563: Calculus of Variation and Optimal Control
  • MA671: Finite Element Methods for PDEs



  • Nominated among six members Indian delegation by INSA to deliver invited lecture at Indo-German Confernece held at Darmstadt, Germany, 2012
  • BOYSCAST Fellow
  • SERC Young Scientist Project
  • SRF & JRF of NET

Journal Publications

61. T. Ray and R. K. Sinha, "A posteriori error estimation and adaptive mesh refinement for parabolic interface problems using non-conforming immersed finite element method", J. Comput. Appl. Math. , vol.419 ,pp.1-17, [2023]

60. T. Ray and R. K. Sinha, "An adaptive immersed finite element method for linear parabolic interface problems with nonzero flux jump", Calcolo , vol.60 (2) ,pp.1-27, [2023]

59. T. Ray and R. K. Sinha, "Residual-based a posteriori error estimates for nonconforming finite element approximation to parabolic interface problems", Numer. Methods Partial Differential Equations , vol.39 (4) ,pp.2935-2962, [2023]

58. S. Mahata and R. K. Sinha, "Nonsmooth data error estimates of the L1 scheme for subdiffusion equations with positive-type memory term", IMA J. Numer. Anal. , vol.43 (3) ,pp.1742-1778, [2023]

57. R. Manohar and R. K. Sinha, "Local a posteriori error estimates for boundary control problems governed by nonlinear parabolic equations", J. Comput. Appl. Math. , vol.409 ,pp.1-29, [2022]

56. R. Manohar and R. K. Sinha, "Local a posteriori error analysis of finite element method for parabolic boundary control problems", J. Scientific Computing , vol.91 (1) ,pp.1-43, [2022]

55. R. Manohar and R. K. Sinha, "Elliptic Reconstruction and a Posteriori Error Estimates for Fully Discrete Semilinear Parabolic Optimal Control Problems", J. Comp. Math. , vol.40 ,pp.147-176, [2022]

54. S. Mahata and R. K. Sinha, "Nonsmooth data optimal error estimates by energy arguments for subdiffusion equations with memory", Adv. Comput. Math. , vol.48 (4) ,pp.1-21, [2022]

53. T. Ray and R. K. Sinha, "An adaptive finite element method for parabolic interface problems with nonzero flux jumps", Comput. Math. Appl. , vol.82 ,pp.97-112, [2021]

52. S. Mahata and R. K. Sinha, "Finite element method for fractional parabolic integro-differential equations with smooth and nonsmooth initial data", J. Scientific Computing , vol.87 (1) ,pp.1-32, [2021]

51. P. Shakya and R. K. Sinha, "Finite element approximations of parabolic optimal control problem with measure data in time", Appl. Anal. , vol.100 (12) ,pp.2706-2734, [2021]

50. R. Manohar and R. K. Sinha, "A posteriori error estimates for parabolic optimal control problems with controls acting on lower dimensional manifolds", J. Scientific Computing , vol.89 (2) ,pp.1-34, [2021]

49. R. Manohar and R. K. Sinha, "A posteriori L∞(L∞)-error estimates for finite-element approximations to parabolic optimal control problems", Comput. Appl. Math. , vol.40 (8) ,pp.1-31, [2021]

48. P. Shakya and R. K. Sinha, "Finite element method for parabolic optimal control problems with a bilinear state equation", J. Comput. Appl. Math. , vol.367 ,pp.1-26, [2020]

47. P. Shakya and R. K. Sinha, "A priori error estimates for finite element discretizations of parabolic optimal control problems with measure data", Numer. Funct. Anal. Optim. , vol.41 (2) ,pp.158-191, [2020]

46. T. Ray and R. K. Sinha, "An adaptive finite element method for semilinear parabolic interface problems with nonzero flux jump", Appl. Numer. Math. , vol.153 ,pp.381-398, [2020]

45. T. Pramanick and R. K. Sinha, "Composite finite element approximation for parabolic problems in nonconvex polygonal domains", Comput. Methods Appl. Math. , vol.20 (2) ,pp.361-378, [2020]

44. R. Manohar and R. K. Sinha, "Space-time a posteriori error analysis of finite element approximation for parabolic optimal control problems: a reconstruction approach", Optimal Control Appl. Methods , vol.41 (5) ,pp.1543-1567, [2020]

43. S. Mahata and R. K. Sinha, "On the existence, uniqueness and stability results for time-fractional parabolic integrodifferential equations", J. Integral Equations Appl. , vol.32 (4) ,pp.457-477, [2020]

42. P. Shakya and R. K. Sinha, "A posteriori error analysis for finite element approximations of parabolic optimal control problems with measure data", Appl. Numer. Math. , vol.136 ,pp.23-45, [2019]

41. P. Shakya and R. K. Sinha, "A prior and a posteriori error estimates of finite-element approximations for elliptic optimal control problem with measure data", Optimal Control Appl. Methods , vol.40 (2) ,pp.241-264, [2019]

40. G. M. M. Reddy, R.K. Sinha and J. A. Cuminato, "A posteriori error analysis of the Crank-Nicolson finite element method for parabolic integro-differential equations", J. Scientific Computing , vol.79 (1) ,pp.414-441, [2019]

39. T. Pramanick and R. K. Sinha, "Error estimates for two-scale composite finite element approximations of parabolic equations with measure data in time for convex and nonconvex polygonal domains", Appl. Numer. Math. , vol.143 ,pp.112-132, [2019]

38. Jhuma Sen Gupta, Rajen K. Sinha., "A posteriori error analysis of semilinear parabolic interface problems using elliptic reconstruction", Appl. Anal. , vol.97 (4) ,pp.552-570, [2018]

37. Jhuma Sen Gupta, Rajen K. Sinha, G.M.M. Reddy, Jinank Jain., "A posteriori error analysis of the Crank-Nicolson finite element method for linear parabolic interface problems: a reconstruction approach", J. Comput. Appl. Math , vol.340 ,pp.173-190, [2018]

36. Tamal Pramanick, Rajen K. Sinha., "Two-scale composite finite element method for parabolic problems with smooth and nonsmooth initial data.", J. Appl. Math. Comput , vol.58 (1-2) ,pp.469-501, [2018]

35. Tamal Pramanick, Rajen K. Sinha., "Composite finite element approximation for nonlinear parabolic problems in nonconvex polygonal domains", Numer. Methods Partial Differential Equations , vol.34 (6) ,pp.2316-2335, [2018]

34. T. Pramanick and R.K. Sinha, "Two-scale composite finite element method for parabolic problems with smooth and nonsmooth initial data", J. Appl. Math. Comput. , vol.58 (1-2) ,pp.469-501, [2018]

33. T. Pramanick and R. K. Sinha, "Composite finite element approximation for nonlinear parabolic problems in nonconvex polygonal domains", Numer. Methods Partial Differential Equations , vol.34 (6) ,pp.2316-2335, [2018]

32. J. Sen Gupta, R.K. Sinha, G.M.M. Reddy and J. Jain, "New interpolation error estimates and a posteriori error analysis for linear parabolic interface problems", Numer. Methods Partial Differential Equations , vol.33 (2) ,pp.570-598, [2017]

31. P. Shakya and R.K. Sinha, "A priori and a posteriori error estimates of H1-Galerkin mixed finite element method for parabolic optimal control problems", Optimal Control Appl. Methods , vol.38 (6) ,pp.1056-1070, [2017]

30. J. Sen Gupta and R.K. Sinha, "A posteriori error estimates for lumped mass finite element method for linear parabolic problems using elliptic reconstruction", Numer. Funct. Anal. Optim. , vol.38 (12) ,pp.1527-1547, [2017]

29. G.M.M. Reddy, R. K. Sinha. ., "On the Crank-Nicolson Anisotropic A posteriori Error Analysis for Parabolic Integro-Differential Equations.", Mathematics of Computataion. , vol.85 (301) ,pp.2365-2390, [2016]

28. G. M. M. Reddy and R. K. Sinha, "The Backward Euler A posteriori Anisotropic Error Analysis for Parabolic Integro-Differential Equations", Numerical Methods Partial Differential Equations , vol.32 (5) ,pp.1309-1330, [2016]

27. J. Sen Gupta, R.K. Sinha, G.M.M. Reddy and J. Jain, "A posteriori error analysis of two-step backward differentiation formula finite element approximation for parabolic interface problems", J. Scientific Computing , vol.69 (1) ,pp.406-429, [2016]

26. G. M. M. Reddy, R. K. Sinha., "Ritz-Volterra reconstructions and a posteriori error analysis of finite element method for parabolic integro-differential equations", IMA J. Numer Anal. , vol.35 (1) ,pp.341-371, [2015]

25. M Tripathy, R. K. Sinha., "Convergence of H1-Galerkin mixed finite element method for parabolic problems with reduced regularity on Initial data", Numerical Analysis and Applications. , vol.7 (3) ,pp.227-240, [2014]

24. Bhupen Deka, R. K. Sinha, R. C. Deka, T. Ahmed., "Finite Element Method with Quadrature for Parabolic Interface Problems, Neural", Parallel and Scientific Computations , vol.21 ,pp.477-496, [2013]

23. R. K. Sinha, M. Tripathy., "A Posteriori Error Estimates for H 1 -Galerkin Mixed Finite Element Method For Parabolic Problems.", Applicable Analysis , vol.92 (4) ,pp.855-868, [2013]

22. R. K. Sinha, M. Tripathy., "Superconvergence Of H1-Galerkin Mixed Finite Element Methods for Second-Order Elliptic Equations", Numer. Funct. Anal. & Optim , vol.33 (3) ,pp.320-337, [2012]

21. R. K. Sinha, B. Deka., "Finite element methods for second order linear hyperbolic interface problems.", Applied Mathematics and Computation , vol.218 ,pp.10922-10933, [2012]

20. R. K. Sinha, B. Deka., "L ∞ (L2 ) and L ∞ (H1 ) - Norms Error Estimates in Finite Element for Linear Parabolic Interface Problems", Numer. Funct. Anal. & Optim. , vol.32 (3) ,pp.267-285, [2011]

19. R. K. Sinha, B. Deka., "Finite element methods for semilinear elliptic and parabolic interface problems. .", Appl. Numer. Math , vol.59 ,pp.1870-1883, [2009]

18. R. K. Sinha, R. E. Ewing, R. D. Lazarov., "Mixed Finite Element Approximations of Parabolic Integro-Differential Equations with Nonsmooth Initial Data.", SIAM J. Numer. Anal. , vol.47 ,pp.3269-3292, [2009]

17. M. Tripathy, R. K. Sinha., "Superconvergence of $H^1$-Galerkin Mixed Finite Element Methods for Parabolic Problems.", Applicable Analysis. , vol.88 ,pp.1213-1231, [2009]

16. Rajen K Sinha, Jurgen Geiser., "Error estimates for finite volume element methods for convection-diffusion-reaction equations.", Appl. Numer. Math. , vol.57 (1) ,pp.59-72, [2007]

15. R. K. Sinha, B. Deka., "An unfitted finite element method for elliptic and parabolic interface problems.", IMA J. Numer. Anal. , vol.27 (3) ,pp.529-549, [2007]

14. R. K. Sinha, R. E. Ewing, R. D. Lazarov., "Some new error estimates of a semidiscrete finite volume element method for parabolic integro-differential equation with nonsmooth initial data.", SIAM J. Numer. Anal , vol.43 (6) ,pp.2320-2343, [2006]

13. R. K. Sinha, B. Deka., "A priori error estimates in finite element method for nonselfadjoint elliptic and parabolic interface problems.", Calcolo , vol.43 ,pp.253-278, [2006]

12. R. K. Sinha, B. Deka., "On the convergence of finite element method for elliptic interface problems.", Numerical Functional Analysis and Optimization. , vol.27 (1) ,pp.99-115, [2006]

11. R. K. Sinha, B. Deka., "Optimal error estimates for linear parabolic problems with discontinuous coefficients.", SIAM Journal of Numerical Analysis. , vol.43 (2) ,pp.733-749, [2005]

10. R. K. Sinha, A. K. Pani, A. K. Otta., "An H 1 -Galerkin mixed method for second order hyperbolic equations.", Int. J. Numer. Anal. Model. , vol.1 (2) ,pp.111-130, [2004]

9. R. K. Sinha, R. D. Lazarov., "A new technique for error analysis of finite element approximations of parabolic problems with nonsmooth initial data.", Approximation Theory; Academy Publishing House. ,pp.296-308, [2004]

8. R. K. Sinha, A. K. Pani, S. K. Chung., "The effect of spatial quadrature on the semidiscrete finite element Galerkin method for a strongly damped wave equation.", Numer. Funct. Anal. & Optimiz. , vol.24 (3-4) ,pp.311-325, [2003]

7. R. K. Sinha., "Finite element approximations with quadrature for second-order hyperbolic equations.", Numer. Methods Partial Differential Equations. , vol.18 (4) ,pp.537-559, [2002]

6. R. K. Sinha, A. K. Pani., "Finite element approximation with quadrature to a time dependent parabolic integro-differential Equation with nonsmooth initial data.", J. Integral Equations & Applications. , vol.13 ,pp.35-72, [2001]

5. R. K. Sinha, A. K. Pani., "Error estimates for semidiscrete Galerkin approximation to a time dependent parabolic integro-differential equations with nonsmooth data.", Calcolo , vol.37 ,pp.181-205, [2000]

4. R. K. Sinha, A. K. Pani., "Quadrature based finite element approximation to time dependent parabolic equations with nonsmooth initial data.", Calcolo , vol.35 ,pp.225-248, [1998]

3. R. K. Sinha, A. K. Pani., "The effect of spatial quadrature on finite element Galerkin approximations to hyperbolic integro differential equations.", Numer. Funct. Anal. & Optimiz. , vol.19 ,pp.1129-1153, [1998]

2. A. K. Pani and R. K. Sinha, "On the backward Euler method for time dependent parabolic integro-differential equation with nonsmooth initial data", J. Integral Equations & Applications , vol.10 ,pp.219-249, [1998]

1. R. K. Sinha, A. K. Pani., "On superconvergence results and negative norm estimates for parabolic integro-differential equations.", J. Integral Equations & Applications. , vol.8 ,pp.65-98, [1996]

Conference Publications

3. R. K. Sinha, P. Das, S. V. Prabhu., "An Inverse Approach for the Estimation of Local Heat Transfer Coefficient using Thermal Sensor.", Proceeding of the 5th ASME-ISHMT conference, Kolkata. ,pp.323-328, [2002]

2. R. K. Sinha, A. K. Pani., "A Qualocation Method for Hyperbolic Integro-Differential Equations.", Proceeding of the SIAM conference on Mathematical & Numerical aspects of wave propagation ", DeSanto, John, Ed., Philadelphia. [1998]

1. R. K. Sinha, B. Deka., "Finite Element Methods for Semilinear Parabolic Interface Problems", Proc. Appl. Math. Mech , vol.7 (2007) [1997] , DOI.10.1002/ Pamm. 200700162.


1 Dr. Deeksha Singh


Currently no completed student.


1 Anjali Singh
2 Raghunath Bandha (Part Time)
3 Monirul Islam
4 Kushal Roy
5 Pratyay Mondal


1 Tanushree Ray
2 Shantiram Mahata
3 Ram Manohar
4 Bhupen Deka
5 Madhusmita Tripathy
6 G. Murali Mohan Reddy
7 Jhuma Sen Gupta
8 Pratibha Shakya
9 Tamal Pramanick

1. Web Course: Partial Differential Equations
Funding Agency : The Ministry of Human Resource Development, Govt. of India
Principal Investigator: Rajen Kumar Sinha
Duration/Starting Year: 2009
Status: Completed

2. Convergence Analysis of Finite Element Methods for Parabolic Interface Problems
Funding Agency : Dept. of Science and Technology, Govt. of India
Principal Investigator: Rajen Kumar Sinha
Duration/Starting Year: 2002
Status: Completed

No Project Available!

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