1. High order compact simulation of flow and transport in porous media
1. Modeling and simulation of premelting dynamics with impurities
2. Distributed Authentication & Privacy Scheme (DAPS)
1. Distributions of certain partition functions
2. On homogenization techniques for flow and transport through rigid and deformable porous media
3. State transfer on graphs of groups, rings and partial Cartesian products
1. Selmer Groups of Elliptic Curves and Their Applications
2. Stochastic Games for Continuous-time Stochastic Processes
3. Mathematical modelling of flow and transport in porous media: A homogenization approach
4. A Study of Randic Matrix and ABC Matrix of Graphs
1. Stochastic Models for Chronic Myeloid Leukemia
2. Mathematical and Statistical Modeling of COVID-19 Outbreak in India
3. Eigenvalues of Linear and Non-linear Matrix Valued Functions: A Study of Inclusion Regions, Pseudospectra and Low Rank Perturbations.
4. Fault-tolerance in Priority Evacuation and Mutual Visibility of Mobile Robots
1. Uncloaking Covert Networks: Identification and Analytics
1. Coupled ψ-v and immersed interface method for incompressible viscous flows
2. Elliptic Curves with Complex Multiplication and Hypergeometric Sums
3. Investigation of Statistical Aspects of Step-stress Life Testing
4. Detecting semantic attacks in Cyber-Physical Systems
1. GIAN course on Autonomic Networks
1. GIAN course on Distributed Networks Algorithm
2. Hypergeometric functions, algebraic curves and supercongruences
1. Hypergeometric Functions Over p-adic Numbers and Algebraic Curves
2. Tunable Synchronization of Spatially Distributed Cyber-Physical Systems
3. Development of solution to defend against Collaborative attacks in Peer-to-Peer networks
1. Distance Problems for Structured Matrix Polynomials
1. Iwasawa Theory of Lubin-Tate division towers and a lemma of Coleman
2. Development of a system to identify, filter and traceback network security attacks using new packet marking techniques
1. Video Course: Complex Analysis
2. Video Course: Formal Languages and Automata Theory
3. Video Course: Introduction to Number Theory and Cryptography.
4. Web Course: Mathematical Finance
5. Web Course: Matrix Computations
6. Web Course: Number Theory
7. Web Course: Partial Differential Equations
8. Web Course: Stochastic Processes
9. Simulation of incompressible viscous flows by the biharmonic approach
10. Designing a Robust Protocol for Secured Topology Discovery in WSNs
1. Analytical and Inverse Modelling for Estimating Aquifer Parameters of a Confined Aquifer
2. Laplacian Eigenvalue of Graphs
3. Layer Resolving Numerical Schemes for Singular Perturbation Problems
1. Convergence Analysis of Finite Element Methods for Parabolic Interface Problems
2. Web Based Course Development of Mathematics III