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Program Details

The 4-year programme, B.Tech. in Mathematics and Computing, is a unique programme and the first of its kind in the country. The curriculum for this program is designed to meet the need of sophisticated mathematics in modern scientific investigations and technological innovations. The programme has three components: mathematics, computing and financial engineering which are perfectly blended so that the strong mathematical and analytical components that are in-built in the curriculum form the basis on which the technological aspects of computing and finance are developed. Consequently, the programme, which is run by a team of committed faculty as instructors, produces a group of students with multiple skills in mathematics, computer science and financial engineering.

Since its very inception in 2006, the success of this programme has greatly been manifested through internships and job placements, and admissions for higher studies at premier institutions, both in India and abroad. The students are admitted through JEE (Advanced).

Structure effective from 2018 batch onwards |

Structure effective from 2018 batch onwards

Semester I

Code Course Name L–T-P Credits
CH101 Chemistry 3-1-0 8
CH110 Chemistry Laboratory 0-0-3 3
EE101 Basic Electronics 3-1-0 8
MA101 Mathematics-I 3-1-0 8
ME110/PH110 Workshop/Physics Laboratory 0-0-3 3
ME111 Engineering Drawing 2-0-3 7
PH101 Physics - I 2-1-0 6
HS101 English Communication 2-0-2 0
Total Credit   15-4-11 43

Semester II

Code Course Name L–T-P Credits
BT101 Introductory Biology 3-0-0 6
CS101 Introduction to Computing 3-0-0 6
CS110 Computing Laboratory 0-0-3 3
EE102 Basic Electronics Laboratory 0-0-3 3
ME101 Engineering Mechanics 3-1-0 8
PH102 Physics - II 2-1-0 6
PH110/ME110 Physics Laboratory/Workshop 0-0-3 3
MA102 Mathematics-II 3-1-0 8
SA1xx Students Activity Course - I 0-0-2 0
Total Credit   14-3-11 43

Semester III

Code Course Name L–T-P Credits
MA201 Mathematics-III 3-1-0 8
MA221 Discrete Mathematics 3-0-0 6
MA222 Elementary Number Theory and Algebra 3-0-0 6
MA225 Probability Theory and Random Processes 3-1-0 8
MA251 Data Structures 2-0-2 6
CS221 Digital Design 3-0-0 6
Minor Course-1 3-0-0 6
SA2xx- Students Activity Course - II 0-0-2 0
Total Credit   17-2-4 40

Semester IV

Code Course Name L–T-P Credits
HSxxx First Level HSS Elective - I 3-0-0 6
MA224 Real Analysis 3-0-0 6
MA252 Design and Analysis of Algorithms 3-0-0 6
MA271 Financial Engineering - I 3-0-0 6
CS223 Computer Organization and Architecture 3-0-0 6
CS245 Database Management Systems 3-0-0 6
CS246 Database Management Systems Lab 0-0-4 4
SA3xx- Students' Activity Course - III 0-0-2 0
Minor Course-2 3-0-0 6
Total Credit   18-0-6 40

Semester V

Code Course Name L–T-P Credits
HS1xx First Level HSS Elective - II 3-0-0 6
MA321 Optimization 3-0-0 6
MA323 Minte Carlo Simulation 0-1-2 4
MA372 Stochastic Calculus for Finance 3-0-0 6
CS341 Computer Networks 3-0-0 6
CS342 Computer Networks Lab 0-0-4 4
CS343 Operating Systems 3-0-0 6
CS344 Operating Systems Lab 0-0-4 4
SA4xx- Students' Activity Course - IV 0-0-2 0
Minor Course-3 3-0-0 6
Total Credit   15-1-12 42

Semester VI

Code Course Name L–T-P Credits
MA3xx Department Elective - I 3-0-0 6
MA322 Scientific Computing 3-0-2 8
MA324 Statistical Inference and Multivariate Analysis 3-0-0 6
MA351 Theory of Computation 4-0-0 8
MA373 Financial Engineering-II 3-0-0 6
MA374 Financial Engineering Laboratory 0-0-3 3
Minor Course-4 3-0-0 6
Total Credit   16-0-5 37

Semester VII

Code Course Name L–T-P Credits
HS2xx Second Level HSS Elective - I 3-0-0 6
MA423 Matrix Computation 3-0-2 8
MA473 Computational Finance 3-0-2 8
MA498 Project - I 0-0-6 6
MA4XX Department Elective - II 3-0-0 6
Minor Course-5 3-0-0 6
Total Credit   12-0-10 34

Semester VIII

Code Course Name L–T-P Credits
HS2xx Second Level HSS Elective - II 3-0-0 6
MA4xx Department Elective - III 3-0-0 6
MA4xx Department Elective - IV 3-0-0 6
OExxx Open Elective - I 3-0-0 6
MA499 Project - II 0-0-10 10
Total Credit   12-0-10 34

List of approved NPTEL Courses for Electives

* Courses for Any Semester [If a course in this column is offered in Odd Semseter, then it will not be offered in even semester for the same academic year]