Professor Ph.D. (ISI Delhi), PostDoc (Univ of Regina)
+91 (0)361 258 2607 pati ◊ iitg ⋅ ac ⋅ in
Research Area: Spectral Graph Theory; Matrix Theorey.
Room No: E-307
Personal Website | IRINS Profile
Department Responsibilities:
Faculty Advisor, M.Sc. (M & C) 2022
Spectral Graph Theory; Combinatorial Matrix Theory.
MSc (Sambalpur University), Ph.D. (ISI Delhi), PostDoc (University of Regina, Canada)
2024: Editorial board: Indian Journal of Discrete Mathematics, Academy of Discrete Mathematics and Applications
2023: Editorial board: Communications in Combinatorics and Optimization, Azarbaijan Shahid Madani University
2022: Editorial board: Mathematics Newsletter, Ramanujan Mathematical Society
2022: Editorial Board: The Mathematcis Student, Indian Mathematical Society
2017: Editorial Board: Proceedings - Mathematical Sciences, Indian Academy of Sciences. 2017-20.
2012: Editorial Board: Linear Multilinear Algebra, Taylor & Francis. 2012--till date.
2011: International Invited speaker. Indo-French Seminar on Matrix Information Geometry, Ecole Polytechnique, Thales TRT, Palaiseau, France.
2006: Visiting Fellow. University of Connecticut, USA. June-Aug 2006.
1999: PostDoctoral Fellowship. University of Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada. Oct 1999--April 2001
1999: Visiting Fellow. Indian Statistical Institute, New Delhi. Aug-Sept 1999
1994: Indian Statistical Institute Research Fellowship. Indian Statistical Institute, India
1993: NBHM Research Fellowship. National Board Higher Mathematics, India
2. Ravindra B Bapat, Manjunatha Prasad Karantha, Stephen J Kirkland, Samir Kumar Neogy, S Pati, Simo Puntanen, "Applied Linear Algebra, Probability and Statistics: A Volume in Honour of CR Rao and Arbind K. Lal", 0 , Springer Nature [2023]
1. S Kirkland, K M Prasad, S Pati, S Puntanen, "Linear Algebra with Applications: a volume in honor of Prof Ravindra B Bapat", 0 , Manipal University Press [2014]
3. R B Bapat, A K Lal, S Pati, "Applied Linear Algebra, Probability and Statistics: A Volume in Honour of CR Rao and Arbind K. Lal", Some Observations on Algebraic Connectivity of Graphs , Springer Nature ,pp.177-190 [2023]
2. Sukanta Pati, "Lectures on Matrix and Graph Methods", Introduction to Algebraic Connectivity of Graphs , Manipal University Press [2012]
1. Sukanta Pati, "Graph Theory: Research Directions", Nonnegative matrices and graph spectra , Narosa [2011]
47. S Barik, S Behera, S Pati, "On the smallest positive eigenvalue of bipartite graphs with a unique perfect matching", Discrete Applied Mathematics , vol.347 ,pp.311--318 [2024]
46. S Barik, D Mondal, S Pati, K Sarma, "Singular graphs and the reciprocal eigenvalue property", Discrete Mathematics , vol.347 (7) [2024]
45. S Pan, S Kirkland, S Pati, "Dominant eigenvalue and universal winners of digraphs", Linear Algebra and its Applications , vol.695 ,pp.79-106, [2024]
44. S Barik, R Mishra, S Pati, "On non-bipartite graphs with strong reciprocal eigenvalue property", Linear Algebra and its Applications , vol.699 ,pp.107-128, [2024]
43. R B Bapat, R Jana, S Pati, "The bipartite Laplacian matrix of a nonsingular tree", Special Matrices , vol.11 [2023] ,
42. S Barik, D Mondal, S Pati, "Trees with reciprocal eigenvalue property", Linear and Multilinear Algebra , vol.70 (21) ,pp.6712-6717, [2022]
41. R B Bapati, R Jana, S Pati, "The bipartite distance matrix of a nonsingular tree", Linear Algebra and its Applications , vol.631 ,pp.254-281, [2021]
40. S Barik, S Pati, "Classes of nonbipartite graphs with reciprocal eigenvalue property", Linear Algebra and its Applications , vol.612 ,pp.177-187, [2021]
39. S. Barik, D. Kalita, S. Pati, G. Sahoo., "Spectra of graphs resulting from various graph operations and products: a survey", Special Matrices. , vol.6 (1) ,pp.323-342, [2018]
38. S Panda, S Pati, "On the inverse of a class of weighted graphs", The Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra , vol.32 ,pp.539-545, [2017]
37. S Panda, S Pati, "On some graphs which satisfy reciprocal eigenvalue properties", Linear Algebra and its Applications , vol.530 ,pp.445-460, [2017]
36. R B Bapat, S Panda, S Pati, "Self-inverse unicyclic graphs and strong reciprocal eigenvalue property", Linear Algebra and its Applications , vol.531 ,pp.459-478, [2017]
35. S Panda, S Pati, "Inverses of weighted graphs", Linear Algebra and its Applications , vol.532 ,pp.222-230, [2017]
34. SK Panda, S. Pati. , "Graphs with reciprocal eigenvalue properties.", Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra. , vol.31 ,pp.511-514, [2016]
33. SK Panda, S. Pati. , "On some graphs which possess inverses", Linear Multilinear Algebra , vol.64 (7) ,pp.1445-1459, [2016]
32. R B Bapat, S Panda, S Pati, "Strong reciprocal eigenvalue property of class of weighted graphs", Linear Algebra and its Applications , vol.511 ,pp.460-475, [2016]
31. R.B. Bapat, S. Barik, S. Pati., "On the Laplacian spectra of product graphs", Applicable Analysis and Discrete Mathematics , vol.9 ,pp.39-58, [2015]
30. SK Panda, S. Pati., "On The Inverse Of A Class Of Bipartite Graphs With Unique Perfect Matchings", Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra , vol.29 ,pp.89-101, [2015]
29. D. Kalita, S. Pati., "A reciprocal eigenvalue property for unicyclic weighted directed graphs with weights from {\pm 1, \pm i}.", Linear Algebra Applications. , vol.449 ,pp.434-471, [2014]
28. R. B. Bapat, A.K. Lal, S. Pati., "A formula for all minors of the adjacency matrix and an application", Special Matrices , vol.2 ,pp.89-98, [2014]
27. S. Pati, M. Neumann., "On Reciprocal Eigenvalue Property of Weighted Trees.", Linear Algebra Applicatons , vol.438 (10) ,pp.3817-3828, [2013]
26. R.B. Bapat, D.Kalita, S. Pati., "On weighted directed graphs", Linear algebra and its Applications , vol.436 ,pp.11-99, [2012]
25. D.Kalita, S. Pati., "On the spectrum of 3-coloured digraph.", Linear and Multilinear Algebra. In Press. [2012]
24. Bapat R. B.; Lal A. K.; Pati S., "On algebraic connectivity of graphs with at most two points of articulations in each block", Linear and Multilinear Algebra , vol.60 ,pp.415-432, [2012]
23. B Deb, K Kapoor, S Pati, "On mRj rechability in trees", Discrete Mathematics, Algorithms and Applications , vol.4 (04) ,pp.1250055 [2012]
22. M. Neumann, S. Pati. , "The Laplacian spectra of graphs with a tree structure.", Linear and Multilinear Algebra. , vol.57 ,pp.267-291, [2009]
21. R. B. Bapat, A. K. Lal, S. Pati., "The distance matrix of a bidirected tree.", Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra. , vol.18 ,pp.233-245, [2009]
20. S. Pati, K. Lal, K. L. Patra., "Graph structure via its Laplacian matrix.", Math. Student. , vol.76 (1-4) ,pp.203-216, [2008]
19. S. Barik, M. Nath, S. Pati, B. K. Sarma., "Unicyclic graphs with strong reciprocal eigenvalue property.", Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra. , vol.7 ,pp.139-153, [2008]
18. S. Barik, A. K. Lal, S. Pati., "On Trees with Laplacian Eigenvalue One.", Linear and Multilinear Algebra. , vol.56 (6) ,pp.597-610, [2008]
17. R. B. Bapat, A. K. Lal, S. Pati., "Laplacian spectrum of weakly quasi-threshold graphs.", Graphs and Combinatorics. , vol.24 (4) ,pp.273-290, [2008]
16. S. Barik, S. Pati, B. K. Sarma., "The Spectrum of the Corona of two Graphs.", Siam Journal of Discrete Mathematics. , vol.21 (1) ,pp.47-56, [2007]
15. S. Barik, M. Neumann, S. pati., "On Nonsingular Trees and a Reciprocal Eigenvalue Property.", Linear and Multilinear Algebra. , vol.54 (6) ,pp.453-465, [2006]
14. R. B. Bapat, A. K. Lal, S. Pati., "A q-analogue of the Distance Matrix of a Tree.", Linear Algebra and its Applications , vol.416 ,pp.799-814, [2006]
13. S. Barik, S. Pati., "On Algebraic Connectivity and Spectral Integral Variations of Graphs.", Linear Algebra and its Applications. , vol.397 ,pp.209-222, [2005]
12. S. Pati, R. B. Bapat., "Energy of a graph is never an odd integer.", Bulletin of Kerala Mathematics Association. , vol.1 (2) ,pp.129-132, [2004]
11. S. Pati, S. Fallat, S. Kirkland., "On Graphs with Algebraic Connectivity equal to Edge Density.", Linear Algebra Applications. , vol.373 ,pp.31-50, [2003]
10. S. Pati, S. Fallat, S. Kirkland., "Maximizing Algebraic Connectivity Over Unicyclic Graphs.", Linear Multilinear Algebra. , vol.51 (3) ,pp.221-241, [2003]
9. S. Pati, R. B. Bapat., "Path Matrices of a Tree.", The Journal of Mathematical Sciences. , vol.1 ,pp.46-52, [2002]
8. S. Pati, S Kirkland., "On Vertex Connectivity and Absolute Algebraic Connectivity for Graphs.", Linear Multilinear Algebra. , vol.50 (3) ,pp.253-284, [2002]
7. S. Pati, S. Kirkland, S. Fallat., "Minimizing Algebraic Connectivity over Connected Graphs with Fixed Girth.", Discrete Mathematics. , vol.254 ,pp.115-142, [2002]
6. S. Pati., "The Third Smallest Eigenvalue of Laplacian Matrix.", Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra. , vol.8 ,pp.128-139, [2001]
5. S. Pati, R. B. Bapat, S. Kirkland., "The Perturbed Laplacian Matrix of a Graph", Linear Multilinear Algebra. , vol.49 ,pp.219-242, [2001]
4. S. Pati., "Moore-Penrose Inverse of Matrices on Idempotent Semirings.", SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications. , vol.22 (2) ,pp.617-626, [2000]
3. S. Pati, R. B. Bapat, S.Z. Song., "Rank preservers of matrices over max algebra.", Linear Multilinear Algebra. , vol.48 ,pp.149-164, [2000]
2. S. Pati, R. B. Bapat., "Algebraic connectivity and the Characteristic Set of a Graph.", Linear Multilinear Algebra. , vol.45 ,pp.247-273, [1998]
1. S. Pati, S.K. Jain, R. B. Bapat., "Weighted Moore-Penrose Inverse of a Boolean Matrix.", Linear Algebra Applications. , vol.255 ,pp.267-279, [1997]
Research Scholars
1 | Madhab Mondal |
2 | Sirshendu Pan |
1 | Rakesh Jana |
2 | Sasmita Barik |
3 | Debajit Kalita |
4 | Swarup Kumar Panda |
1. Laplacian Eigenvalue of Graphs
No Project Available!