Prerequisites: MA 550 Measure Theory or MA224 Real Analysis
Course Content/ Syllabus Distribution function, decreasing rearrangements weak Lp spaces and Lorentz Spaces, Marcinkiewicz Interpolation Theorem, Riesz–Thorin Interpolation Theorem and Interpolation of Analytic Families of Operators, Off-Diagonal Marcinkiewicz Interpolation Theorem, Hardy–Littlewood Maximal Operator and Lebesgue differentiation Theorem, Class of Schwartz Functions, Class of Tempered Distributions and their Fourier transform; Convolution Operators on Lp Spaces and Multipliers, Hilbert Transform and Riesz Transforms, Homogeneous Singular and Maximal Singular Integrals, Calderon–Zygmund Decomposition and Singular Integrals.