Number Systems: representations of numbers (binary, octal, decimal, and hexadecimal), arithmetic of signed and unsigned numbers; Boolean algebra and logic gates: gate level minimization of Boolean functions; Combinational logic circuits: design and analysis, some standard combinational circuits (encoders, decoders, multiplexers); Sample and hold Circuits, analog-to-digital converter, digital-to-analog converter.
Synchronous sequential logic circuits: design and analysis; flip-flops, registers, counters; Finite state model: state tables and state diagram, state minimization; Memory organization: hierarchical memory systems, cache memories, cache coherence, virtual memory; System buses: interconnection structures and bus interconnection, Arithmetic Logic Unit.
Study of an existing CPU: architecture, instruction set and the addressing modes supported; assembly language programming; Control unit design: instruction interpretation, hardwired and microprogrammed methods of design; RISC and CISC paradigms. I/O transfer techniques: programmed, interrupt-driven and DMA; I/O processors and channels, mapping of I/O addresses.