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IITG Racing participates in its first ever Electric Vehicle Competition FSEV 2021

Our college's SAE team, IITG Racing, recently participated in the 5th Formula Student Electric Vehicle (FSEV) Concept Challenge - 2021. The results for the event are out, and our team has secured 19th rank in the overall category with a total score of 259.1 out of 400. Our best performance came in Team Management, where we achieved 7th rank, beating some of the best EV teams. This was the first time our team participated in an Electric Vehicle competition that too within a short span of two months.


We competed with 30 other Indian and Foreign teams most of them having prior experience in competing in national and international EV competitions. Given the COVID situation, it was overwhelming to work and manage the whole team remotely, but our members worked phenomenally well. We learned many new things from the judges and other teams, which we'll try to adopt in our team as we move forward to manufacturing an EV for Formula Bharat or the next FSEV competition.

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