Research interests: Role of inflammatory pathways in cancer development, Identification of novel biomarkers for cancer diagnosis and prognosis, Cancer drug discovery.
Major research work accomplished at IITG so far:
Developed novel drug targets for oral cancer.
Developed different formulations of drugs for better drug delivery and bioavailability.
Discovered over 40 potential anticancer drugs (preclinical studies).
Ongoing work / Future plans: Development of Novel Akt/mTOR Inhibitors for Oral cancer, Potential of natural compounds against Oral cancer, Role of different proteins in the development and progression of cancer.
- Number of publications : >300 (Research articles, Reviews, and Book chapters)
- Cumulative impact factor : >1000
- Average impact factor : >7.0
- Total number of citations : >43,000 (Goggle Scholar)
- h-index : >70 (Google Scholar)
- i10-index : >160 (Google Scholar)
- Books published : 9 Nos
Ph: 03612582231 (Office)/ 3220 (Lab)
7896005326 (Mobile)
1. Khwairakpam AD, Banik K, Girisa S, Shabnam B, Shakibaei M, Fan L, Arfuso F, Monisha J, Wang H, Mao X, Sethi G, Kunnumakkara AB. "The vital role of ATP citrate lyase in chronic diseases.", J Mol Med (Berl). . DOI.doi: 10.1007/s00109-019-01863-0, Vol.98, 1, P.P 71-95 , (2020)
2. Banik K, Ranaware AM, Harsha C, Nitesh T, Girisa S, Deshpande V, Fan L, Nalawade SP, Sethi G, Kunnumakkara AB. "Piceatannol: A natural stilbene for the prevention and treatment of cancer.", Pharmacol Res. . DOI.10.1016/j.phrs.2020.104635., Vol.153, 104635, P.P - , (2020)
3. Khatoon E, Banik K, Harsha C, Sailo BL, Thakur KK, Khwairakpam AD, Vikkurthi R, Devi TB, Gupta SC, Kunnumakkara AB "Phytochemicals in cancer cell chemosensitization: Current knowledge and future perspectives", Seminars in Cancer Biology. DOI.10.1016/j.semcancer.2020.06.014, Vol., , P.P - , (2020)
4. Bordoloi D, Banik K, Padmavathi G, Vikkurthi R, Harsha C, Roy NK, Singh AK, Monisha J, Wang H, Kumar AP, Kunnumakkara AB. "TIPE2 Induced the Proliferation, Survival, and Migration of Lung Cancer Cells Through Modulation of Akt/mTOR/NF-?B Signaling Cascade.", Biomolecules. . DOI.10.3390/biom9120836, Vol.12, 9, P.P pii: E836.- , (2019)
5. Roy NK, Monisha J, Padmavathi G, Lalhruaitluanga H, Kumar NS, Singh AK, Bordoloi D, Baruah MN, Ahmed GN, Longkumar I, Arfuso F, Kumar AP, Kunnumakkara AB. "Isoform-Specific Role of Akt in Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma.", Biomolecules. . DOI.10.3390/biom9070253, Vol.7, 9, P.P pii: E253.- , (2019)
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