and Electrical Engineering
At Present we have 21 No.of Associate Professor
Associate Professor
Research Areas: Coding & Modulation Techniques.
Associate Professor
Research Areas: Power Electronics, Distributed Generation and Power Quality
Associate Professor
Research Areas: Wide Bandgap Semiconductors, Power Semiconductor Devices, Deep UV Photodetector.
Associate Professor
Research Areas: Photovoltaics and Green Hydrogen Generation, Flexible and Organic Electronics, Emerging Memories and Crossbar ReRAMs
Associate Professor
Research Areas: Smart Transformer Application in Power System DC and AC Microgrid Smart Transformer: Control and Applications Electric Vehicles and Battery Energy Storage System Power Quality, HVDC and FACTS Predictive Control of Power Converters
Associate Professor
Research Areas: Nanophotonics; Plasmonics and Metamaterial based tunable devices – filters, mirrors, modulators, and switches; Electro-tunable Smart Windows; Passive radiative Coolers; Metamaterial Perfect Absorbers; RF Metasurfaces for MRI applications; THz Photonics Topological Insulators
Associate Professor
Research Areas: System Theory, Applied Mathematics & Signal Processing
Associate Professor
Research Areas: Nonlinear Systems and Control, Adaptive Control, Soft Computing Applications, Control of Robot Manipulators, Mobile Robot Path Planning, Consensus in Multi-Agent Systems
Associate Professor
Research Areas: Channel modeling and resource allocation for wireless relay systems, cooperative communications, device-to-device communications, multi-hop relaying, multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) wireless communication systems, non-orthogonal multiple access technique, network coding, milli-meter wave communications, multicasting in wireless networks, reflective intelligent surfaces, and wireless energy harvesting.
Associate Professor
Research Areas: Utilizing information leakage in non-perfect secret sharing schemes for traitor tracing (merging shared access control with fingerprinting). Constructing traceable pseudonyms (Anonymous fingerprinting) Secure biometric authentication based on partially encrypted data. Encryption transparent image and video hashing. Privacy preserving computation. Parametric transforms for domain randomization. Watermark detection in the encrypted domain. Public key and asymmetric watermarking. Construction of frameproof and collusion secure semi-fragile fingerprints. Fine-grained access control of Multimedia. Soft encryption schemes for joint fingerprinting and decryption.
Associate Professor
Research Areas: Power system dynamics & stability studies Wide Area Monitoring & Control of Power System Optimal power dispatch and state estimation Security analysis and control Energy management system and distribution automation
Associate Professor
Research Areas: Computer Vision, Pattern Recognition, Signal Processing, Robotics.
Associate Professor
Research Areas: Silicon Photonics, Integrated Photonics, Fiber lasers Optoelectronics Device Characterization and Fabrication, Microelectronics and III-V Compound Semiconductors, Photonics Integrated Circuits, Fiber Optics Communication, Non-invasive measurement of physiological parameters of human blood, Structural health monitoring, Antennas, Vacuum Electron Devices.
Associate Professor
Research Areas: Optical Metrology Digital Optical Signal Processing Digital Holography Speckle Interferometry Fringe Projection Profilometry
Associate Professor
Research Areas: Wireless communications and signal processing: resource allocation problems in massive MIMO, OTFS, cognitive radio, wireless energy transfer, non-orthogonal multiple access, reconfigurable intelligent surfaces based wireless system design, and enabling wireless communication with UAVs.
Associate Professor
Research Areas: Power distribution system planning and optimization, Distributed generation, Custom power devices, Evolutionary algorithms, Multi-objective optimization
Associate Professor
Research Areas: Power Electronics, Power Electronics for renewable energy applications, Power Electronics for power systems applications, EV charging, Smart Micro-grids
Associate Professor
Research Areas: Wireless Sensor Networks, Coding Theory, Wireless Communications.
Associate Professor
Research Areas: Control Systems, Cryptography
Associate Professor
Research Areas: Pattern recognition, Image/ Video Processing and Computer Vision.
Associate Professor
Research Areas: Statistical Signal Processing and Information Theory.