Code | Course Name | L–T-P | Credits |
CH101 | Chemistry | 3-1-0 | 8 |
CH110 | Chemistry Laboratory | 0-0-3 | 3 |
EE101 | Basic Electronics | 3-1-0 | 8 |
MA101 | Mathematics-I | 3-1-0 | 8 |
ME110/PH110 | Workshop/Physics Laboratory | 0-0-3 | 3 |
ME111 | Engineering Drawing | 2-0-3 | 7 |
PH101 | Physics - I | 2-1-0 | 6 |
HS101 | English Communication | 2-0-2 | 0 |
Code | Course Name | L–T-P | Credits |
BT101 | Introductory Biology | 3-0-0 | 6 |
CS101 | Introduction to Computing | 3-0-0 | 6 |
CS110 | Computing Laboratory | 0-0-3 | 3 |
EE102 | Basic Electronics Laboratory | 0-0-3 | 3 |
ME101 | Engineering Mechanics | 3-1-0 | 8 |
PH102 | Physics - II | 2-1-0 | 6 |
PH110/ME110 | Physics Laboratory/Workshop | 0-0-3 | 3 |
SA1xx | Students Activity Course - I | 0-0-2 | 0 |
MA102 | Mathematics-II | 3-1-0 | 8 |
Code | Course Name | L–T-P | Credits |
SA2xx- | Students Activity Course - II | 0-0-2 | 0 |
MA201 | Mathematics-III | 3-1-0 | 8 |
MA221 | Discrete Mathematics | 3-0-0 | 6 |
MA222 | Elementary Number Theory and Algebra | 3-0-0 | 6 |
MA225 | Probability Theory and Random Processes | 3-1-0 | 8 |
MA251 | Data Structures | 2-0-2 | 6 |
Minor | Course-1 | 3-0-0 | 6 |
CS221 | Digital Design | 3-0-0 | 6 |
Code | Course Name | L–T-P | Credits |
HSxxx | First Level HSS Elective - I | 3-0-0 | 6 |
MA224 | Real Analysis | 3-0-0 | 6 |
MA252 | Design and Analysis of Algorithms | 3-0-0 | 6 |
MA271 | Financial Engineering - I | 3-0-0 | 6 |
CS223 | Computer Organization and Architecture | 3-0-0 | 6 |
CS245 | Database Management Systems | 3-0-0 | 6 |
CS246 | Database Management Systems Lab | 0-0-4 | 4 |
SA3xx- | Students' Activity Course - III | 0-0-2 | 0 |
Minor | Course-2 | 3-0-0 | 6 |
Code | Course Name | L–T-P | Credits |
HS1xx | First Level HSS Elective - II | 3-0-0 | 6 |
MA321 | Optimization | 3-0-0 | 6 |
MA323 | Minte Carlo Simulation | 0-1-2 | 4 |
MA372 | Stochastic Calculus for Finance | 3-0-0 | 6 |
CS341 | Computer Networks | 3-0-0 | 6 |
CS342 | Computer Networks Lab | 0-0-4 | 4 |
CS343 | Operating Systems | 3-0-0 | 6 |
CS344 | Operating Systems Lab | 0-0-4 | 4 |
SA4xx- | Students' Activity Course - IV | 0-0-2 | 0 |
Minor | Course-3 | 3-0-0 | 6 |
Code | Course Name | L–T-P | Credits |
MA3xx | Department Elective - I | 3-0-0 | 6 |
MA322 | Scientific Computing | 3-0-2 | 8 |
MA324 | Statistical Inference and Multivariate Analysis | 3-0-0 | 6 |
MA351 | Theory of Computation | 4-0-0 | 8 |
MA373 | Financial Engineering-II | 3-0-0 | 6 |
MA374 | Financial Engineering Laboratory | 0-0-3 | 3 |
Minor | Course-4 | 3-0-0 | 6 |
Code | Course Name | L–T-P | Credits |
HS2xx | Second Level HSS Elective - I | 3-0-0 | 6 |
MA498 | Project - I | 0-0-6 | 6 |
MA423 | Matrix Computation | 3-0-2 | 8 |
MA473 | Computational Finance | 3-0-2 | 8 |
MA4XX | Department Elective - II | 3-0-0 | 6 |
Minor | Course-5 | 3-0-0 | 6 |
Code | Course Name | L–T-P | Credits |
HS2xx | Second Level HSS Elective - II | 3-0-0 | 6 |
MA4xx | Department Elective - III | 3-0-0 | 6 |
MA4xx | Department Elective - IV | 3-0-0 | 6 |
OExxx | Open Elective - I | 3-0-0 | 6 |
MA499 | Project - II | 0-0-10 | 10 |
Single variable calculus: Convergence of sequences and series of real numbers; Continuity of functions; Differentiability, Rolle's theorem, mean value theorem, Taylor's theorem; Power series; Riemann integration, fundamental theorem of calculus, improper integrals; Application to length, area, volume and surface area of revolution.
Multivariable calculus: Vector functions of one variable - continuity and differentiability; Scalar valued functions of several variables, continuity, partial derivatives, directional derivatives, gradient, differentiability, chain rule; Tangent planes and normals, maxima and minima, Lagrange multiplier method; Repeated and multiple integrals with applications to volume, surface area; Change of variables; Vector fields, line and surface integrals; Greens, Gauss and Stokes theorems and their applications.
Linear algebra: Systems of linear equations, matrices, Gaussian elimination, echelon form, column space, null space, rank of a matrix, inverse and determinant; Vector spaces (over the field of real and complex numbers), subspaces, spanning set, linear independence, basis and dimension; Linear transformations, rank-nullity theorem, matrix of a linear transformation, change of basis and similarity; Eigenvalues and eigenvectors, algebraic and geometric multiplicity, diagonalization by similarity; Inner-product spaces, Gram-Schmidt process, orthonormal basis; Orthogonal, Hermitian and symmetric matrices, spectral theorem for real symmetric matrices
Ordinary differential equations: First order differential equations exact differential equations, integrating factors, Bernoulli equations, existence and uniqueness theorem, applications; Higher-order linear differential equations solutions of homogeneous and nonhomogeneous equations, method of variation of parameters, operator method; Series solutions of linear differential equations, Legendre equation and Legendre polynomials, Bessel equation and Bessel functions of first and second kinds; Systems of first-order equations, phase plane, critical points, stability.
Complex analysis: Complex numbers and elementary properties; Complex functions - limits, continuity and differentiation, Cauchy-Riemann equations, analytic and harmonic functions, elementary analytic functions, anti-derivatives and line (contour) integrals, Cauchy-Goursat theorem, Cauchy's integral formula, Morera's theorem, Liouville's theorem, Fundamental theorem of algebra and maximum modulus principle; Power series, Taylor series, zeros of analytic functions, singularities and Laurent series, Rouche's theorem and argument principle, residues, Cauchy's Residue theorem and applications, Mobius transformations and applications.
Partial differential equations: Fourier series, half-range Fourier series, Fourier transforms, finite sine and cosine transforms; First order partial differential equations, solutions of linear and quasilinear first order PDEs, method of characteristics; Classification of second-order PDEs, canonical form; Initial and boundary value problems involving wave equation and heat conduction equation, boundary value problems involving Laplace equation and solutions by method of separation of variables; Initial-boundary value problems in non-rectangular coordinates.
Laplace and inverse Laplace transforms, properties, convolutions; Solution of ODEs and PDEs by Laplace transform; Solution of PDEs by Fourier transform.
Set theory: Sets, relations, equivalence relations, partially ordered sets, functions, countability, lattices and Boolean algebras. Logic: Well-formed formula, interpretations, propositional logic, predicate logic, theory of inference for propositional logic and predicate logic. Combinatorics: Permutations, combinations, recurrences, generating functions, partitions, special numbers like Fibonacci, Stirling and Catalan numbers. Graph Theory: Graphs and digraphs, special types of graphs, isomorphism, connectedness, Euler and Hamilton paths, planar graphs, graph colouring, trees, matching.
Number theory: Well ordering principle, principle of mathematical induction; Division algorithm, GCD and LCM, Euclidean algorithm, linear Diophantine equation; Primes, the fundamental theorem of arithmetic; Properties of congruences, linear congruences, chinese remainder theorem; Fermat's little theorem; Arithmetic functions, Mobius inversion formula, Euler's theorem; Primitive roots; Introduction to cryptography, RSA cryptosystem, distribution of primes.
Algebra: Groups, subgroups, cyclic groups, permutation groups, Cayley's theorem, cosets and Lagrange's theorem, normal subgroups, quotient groups, homomorphisms and isomorphism theorems; Rings, integral domains, ideals, quotient rings, prime and maximal ideals, ring homomorphisms, field of quotients, polynomial rings, factorization in polynomial rings, fields, characteristic of a field, field extensions, splitting fields, finite fields.
Probability spaces, independence, conditional probability, and basic formulae; Random variables, distribution functions, probability mass/density functions, functions of random variables; Standard univariate discrete and continuous distributions and their properties; Mathematical expectations, moments, moment generating functions, characteristic functions; Random vectors, multivariate distributions, marginal and conditional distributions, conditional expectations; Modes of convergence of sequences of random variables, laws of large numbers, central limit theorem; Definition and classification of random processes, discrete-time Markov chains, classification of states, limiting and stationary distributions, Poisson process, continuous-time Markov chains.
Prerequistes: CS101 or equivalent
Asymptotic notation, space and time complexity; Abstract data types, arrays, stacks, queues, linked lists, matrices, binary trees, tree traversals, heaps; Sorting - mergesort, quicksort, heapsort; Graph representations, breadth first search, depth first search; Hashing; Searching - linear search, binary search, binary search trees, AVL trees, red-black trees, B-trees.
Metrics and norms - metric spaces, normed vector spaces, convergence in metric spaces, completeness, compactness; Functions of several variables - differentiability, chain rule, Taylor's theorem, inverse function theorem, implicit function theorem; Lebesgue measure and integral - sigma-algebra of sets, measure space, Lebesgue measure, measurable functions, Lebesgue integral, Fatou’s lemma, dominated convergence theorem, monotone convergence theorem, Lp spaces.
Prerequistes: MA 221 or MA251 or equivalent.
Sorting and order statistics - linear time sorting, randomize quicksort, lower bounds for sorting, median and order statistics, randomized selection; Design and analysis techniques - greedy method, divide-and-conquer, dynamic programming, amortized analysis; Graph algorithms - properties of BFS and DFS, connected components, topological sort, minimum spanning trees, shortest paths, maximum flow; NP-completeness; Approximation algorithms.
Prerequistes: MA 225 or equivalent.
Overview of financial engineering, financial markets and financial instruments; Interest rates, present and future values of cash flow streams; Riskfree assets, bonds and bond pricing, yield, duration and convexity, term structure of interest rates, spot and forward rates; Risky assets, risk-reward analysis, Markowitz’s mean-variance portfolio optimization model and efficient frontier, CAPM; No-arbitrage principle; Derivative securities, forward and futures contracts and their pricing, hedging strategies using futures, interest rate and index futures, swaps; General properties of options, trading strategies involving options; Discrete time financial market model, Cox-Ross-Rubinstein binomial asset pricing model, pricing of European derivative securities by replication; Countable probability spaces, filtrations, conditional expectations and their properties, martingales, Markov processes; Risk-neutral pricing of European and American derivate securities.
Classification and general theory of optimization; Linear programming (LP) - formulation and geometric ideas, simplex and revised simplex methods, duality and sensitivity, transportation, assignment, and integer programming problems; Nonlinear optimization, method of Lagrange multipliers, Karush-Kuhn-Tucker theory, convex optimization; Numerical methods for unconstrained and constrained optimization (gradient method, Newton’s and quasi-Newton methods, penalty and barrier methods).
Prerequisites: MA225 or Equivalent
Principles of Monte Carlo; Generation of random numbers from a uniform distribution - linear congruential generators and its variations; Generation of discrete and continuous random variables - inverse transform and acceptance-rejection method; Simulation of univariate normally distributed random variables - Box-Muller and Marsaglia methods; Generation of multivariate normally distributed random variables - Cholesky factorization; Generation of geometric Brownian motion and jump-diffusion sample paths; Variance reduction techniques; Quasi Monte Carlo - general principles and low discrepancy sequences.
Prerequisites: MA224 or equivalent and MA271 or equivalent
General probability spaces, filtrations, conditional expectations, martingales and stopping times, Markov processes; Random walks, Brownian motion and its properties; Itô integral and its properties, Itô processes, Itô-Doeblin formula; Derivation of the Black-Scholes-Merton equation, Black-Scholes-Merton formula, multi-variable stochastic calculus; Risk-neutral valuation, risk-neutral measure, Girsanov's theorem for change of measure, martingale representation theorem, fundamental theorems of asset pricing; Stochastic differential equations and their solutions, Feynman-Kac theorem and its applications
Errors; Numerical methods for solving scalar nonlinear equations; Interpolation and approximations, spline interpolations; Numerical integration based on interpolation, quadrature methods, Gaussian quadrature; Initial value problems for ordinary differential equations - Euler method, Runge-Kutta methods, multi-step methods, predictor-corrector method, stability and convergence analysis; Finite difference schemes for partial differential equations - explicit and implicit schemes; Consistency, stability and convergence; Stability analysis (matrix method and von Neumann method), Lax equivalence theorem; Finite difference schemes for initial and boundary value problems (FTCS, backward Euler and Crank-Nicolson schemes, ADI methods, Lax Wendroff method, upwind scheme).
Prerequisites: MA225 or Equivalent
Review of different transformation techniques, modes of convergence, law of large numbers, and central limit theorem; Sampling distributions based on normal distributions, multivariate normal distribution; Point estimation: sufficiency, Neymann-Fisher factorization theorem, unbiased estimation, method of moments, maximum likelihood estimation, consistency and asymptotic normality of maximum likelihood estimator; Interval estimation: confidence coefficient and confident level, pivotal method, asymptotic confidence interval, Bootstrap confidence interval; Hypothesis testing: type-I and type-II errors, power function, size and level, test function and randomized test, most powerful test and Neyman-Pearson lemma, likelihood ratio test, p-value; Multiple linear regression: least squares estimation, estimation of variance, tests of significance, interval estimation, multicollinearity, residual analysis, PRESS statistic, detection and treatment of outliers, lack of fit; Multivariate analysis: principle component analysis, factor analysis, canonical correlations, cluster analysis6
Prerequisites: MA221 or equivalent
Alphabets, languages, grammars; Finite automata, regular languages, regular expressions; Context-free languages, pushdown automata, DCFLs; Context sensitive languages, linear bounded automata; Turing machines, recursively enumerable languages; Operations on formal languages and their properties; Decidability; Undecidability; Cook’s theorem.
Prerequisites: MA372 or equivalent
Continuous time financial market models, Black-Scholes-Merton model, Black-Scholes-Merton equation and formula, dividend paying assets, forwards and futures, risk-neutral valuation of European, American and Exotic derivative securities, change of numeraire, hedging of contingent claims, Greeks, implied volatility, volatility smile; Options on futures; Incomplete markets, stochastic volatility models, pricing and hedging in incomplete markets; Fixed income markets, bonds and interest rates, pricing of fixed income securities, term structure equation; Short rate models, martingale models for short rate (Vasicek, Cox-Ingersoll-Ross, Dothan, Ho-Lee and Hull-White models), multifactor models; Forward rate models, Heath-Jarrow-Morton framework, pricing and hedging under short rate and forward rate models, swaps, caps and floors; LIBOR and swap market models.
Prerequisites: MA271 or equivalent
This course will focus on computational aspects of the financial market models studied in MA271 and MA373 such as CAPM, binomial models, Black-Scholes-Merton model, interest rate models and asset pricing based on above models. The implementation will be done using MATLAB/C++/R.
Floating point computations, IEEE floating point arithmetic, analysis of roundoff errors; Sensitivity analysis and condition numbers; Linear systems, LU decompositions, Gaussian elimination with partial pivoting; Banded systems, positive definite systems, Cholesky decomposition - sensitivity analysis; Gram-Schmidt orthonormal process, Householder transformation, Givens rotations; QR factorization, stability of QR factorization. Solution of linear least squares problems, normal equations, singular value decomposition(SVD), polar decomposition, Moore-Penrose inverse; Rank deficient least-squares problems; Sensitivity analysis of least-squares problems; Review of canonical forms of matrices; Sensitivity of eigenvalues and eigenvectors. Reduction to Hessenberg and tridiagonal forms; Power, inverse power and Rayleigh quotient iterations; Explicit and implicit QR algorithms for symmetric and nonsymmetric matrices; Reduction to bidiagonal form; Golub- Kahan algorithm for computing SVD.
Prerequisites: MA373 or equivalent
Review of financial market models for derivative pricing, interest rate modelling and Black-Scholes PDE; Solutions of pricing PDEs using finite difference methods, American option as free boundary problem, computation of price of American options, pricing of exotic options, upwind scheme and other methods; Monte-Carlo simulation, generating sample paths, discretization of SDE, Monte-Carlo for option valuation and Greeks, Monte-Carlo for American and exotic options; Variance reduction techniques; Monte-Carlo implementation of short rate models, forward rate models and LIBOR market model, volatility structure and calibration.