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Team Evolution finishes with 13th rank in Efficycle 2014 at UIET Chandigarh.

The fifth Efficycle competition concluded between October 9-12 in the UIET campus, Chandigarh. The event began 3 months prior to the main event with the virtual round, 120 teams were shortlisted after this round. The 3-day event kick-started on 9th October with the Technical Inspection round which our IIT Guwahati team Evolution passed without any problems. the Dynamics event also went well for the team and our team was placed 6th after this round.


For the final race, we were in grid position in the 3rd row. The first couple of laps went well and we reached the 3rd position. That's when things went south, we suffered an unfortunate mechanical failure which resulted in us losing our much-needed lead. Even after this our team ended up getting placed at 13th rank, an improvement of 8 ranks from the last event. The event was won by Sant Longowal Institute of Technology who got a memento and ₹30,000 as the prize.


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