Head of the Department

Natesan Srinivasan
Department of Mathematics
Phone: +91 361 258 2601
hodmath @ iitg.ac.inContact Address
Department of Mathematics
Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati
Guwahati, Assam, India 781 039
+91 361 258 2650
mathoff @ iitg.ac.in
Website : https://www.iitg.ac.in/maths/
About Department of Mathematics
The department has at present 40 energetic and dedicated faculty members in many diverse areas of mathematics, and it also boasts of hosting visits of a good number of distinguished mathematicians every year. The department has its own state-of-the-art computing laboratories and it also hosts the National Board of Higher Mathematics (NBHM) Regional Library. The department has also been actively engaged in organizing conferences, workshops, QIP short term courses and training programmes for both teachers and students including Mathematics Training and Talent Search Programme (MTTS) and Advanced Training in Mathematics (ATM) Schools. Having started the PhD programme in 1996, the department initiated a 2-year M.Sc. programme in Mathematics and Computing in 2000. From academic year 2006-2007, the department started a unique 4-year B.Tech. programme in Mathematics and Computing - the first of its kind in the country. This unique programme comprises of courses in mathematics, statistics, computer science and financial engineering. The department also supports all the engineering and science departments by offering core and advance courses in mathematics at the undergraduate B.Tech. Level over a number of semesters. An interdisciplinary M.Tech. Programme in Data Science jointly offered by three Departments, namely, Mathematics, Computer Science & Engineering and Electronics & Electrical Engineering has been started in 2019. Many of the graduated students have gone for higher studies in reputed universities abroad and within India. Regarding campus placement, some of the recruiters of our students are Adobe, Amazon, Bank of America, Deloitte, Ericsson, Facebook, Infosys, Xerox Research, Microsoft, Oracle, Samsung, PWC.