Kuldeep Baishya
Assistant Professor
kuldeep.baishya @ iitg ⋅ ac ⋅ in
Research Interest:
Dr. Kuldeep Baishya holds a Ph.D from Indian Institute of Management Shillong. He earned a B.Tech in Information Technology from North-Eastern Hill University in 2010 and had been working as a software engineer for 2.5 years before joining the doctoral programme at IIM Shillong in 2013. Dr. Kuldeep has published some of his research papers in reputed journals. He worked as an Assistant Professor (Grade 1) at Indian Institute of Management Rohtak before joining Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati. His teaching interests include Marketing Management, Marketing Research, Consumer Behavior, Capstone Simulation and Marketing Analytics. Selected Publications · Baishya, K., & Samalia, H. V. (2020). Extending Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology with Perceived Monetary Value for the Bottom of the Pyramid. International Journal of Information Management, 51, (https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijinfomgt.2019.11.004). (ABDC – A*) · Kumar, S., Baishya, K., Sreen, N., Sadarangini, P. & Samalia, H. V. (2021). Impact of National Culture on E-Government Development: A Longitudinal Study. Journal of Global Information Management, 29 (2). (ABDC – A) · Baishya, K., & Samalia, H. V. (2020). Factors influencing smartphone adoption: A study in Indian BOP context. Global Business Review, 21(4), (https://doi.org/10.1177%2F0972150919856961) (ABDC – C). · Deb, R., Samalia, H. V., Purbey, S. & Baishya, K. (2022). Resource-Driven Export Propensity Under Informal Competition: An Emerging Economy Perspective. South Asian Journal of Management, 28 (4). (ABDC – C). · Yadav, M. L., Dugar, A. & Baishya, K. (2022). Decoding Customer Opinion for Products or Brands Using Social Media Analytics: A case study on Indian Brand Patanjali. International Joutnal of Intelligent Information Technologies, 18 (2). (ABDC – C)
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