Project Positions of R&D

SL.No Project Positions of R&D
1 Advertisement for the post of Office Assistant (Project Mode) in Research & Development Section, IIT Guwahati (xRNDSPNIITG90034xIDF001)
2 Advertisement for project position in the Dept of HSS, IIT Guwahati (xHSSSPNxDST00698xxBS004-ZBSA-1817)
3 Advertisement for project position in the Dept of Computer Science & Engineering, IIT Guwahati xCSESPNMEIT00794xxTV003_TSA_4197 )
4 Advertisement for project position in the Dept of BSBE, IIT Guwahati (BSBESPNxMOE01216xxSC005-STARS-3668_ZBSA)
5 Advertisement for project position in the Centre for Sustainable Ploymer, IIT Guwahati (xCFSPSPNxDST0860VKAK023 )
6 Advertisement for project position in the Dept of CIVIL, IIT Guwahati (xxCExDST00826AKMI001-ZBSA-1819)
7 Advertisement for project position in the Dept of CHEMICAL, IIT Guwahati (xCLESPNCOAL00965xxVP004)
8 Advertisement for project position in the Dept of BSBE, IIT Guwahati (BSBESPNxDBT00908xSPK010-ZBSA)
9 Advertisement for project position in the Dept of PHYSICS, IIT Guwahati (xPHYSPNxDST00627xxBB006-ZBSA-3237 ) )
10 Advertisement for project position in the Dept of EEE, IIT Guwahati (xEEESPNxSRC00507xRPP007 )
11 Advertisement for project position in the Dept of EEE, IIT Guwahati (xEEESPNSERB01366PRBA002)
12 Advertisement for project position in the Dept of EEE, IIT Guwahati (xEEESPNxDST00883xxGT006-ZBSA-1819)
13 Advertisement for project position in the Dept of CSE, IIT Guwahati (xCSESPNSERB00633xHKK003)
14 Advertisement for project position in the Dept of EEE, IIT Guwahati (xEEESPNxDST01333RKJH002-1819-DST)
15 Advertisement for project position in the Dept of DESIGN, IIT Guwahati (xDESSPNMHRD90008xHOD001-9027-ZBSA)
16 Advertisement for project position in the Dept of BSBE, IIT Guwahati (BSBESPNSERB00810xxDD009)
17 Advertisement for Online Application from both National and Foreign Candidates for the Selection of Institute Post-Doctoral Fellowship (IPDF) for the year 2024-25 .
18 Advertisement for project position in the Dept of SESE, IIT Guwahati (SESESPNSERB1134xxPK006)
19 Advertisement for project position in the Dept of EEE, IIT Guwahati (xEEESPNSTAR00934xxSK001- 3668- STARS)
20 Advertisement for project position in the Dept of BSBE, IIT Guwahati (BSBESPNxDBT00929xxMK012-ZBSA)
21 Advertisement for project position in the Dept of MECHANICAL, IIT Guwahati ME-PDF-SK_296 )
22 Advertisement for project position in the Dept of BSBE, IIT Guwahati (BSBESPNxDBT00391xxLS018-ZBSA)
23 Advertisement for project position in the Dept of CHEMISTRY, IIT Guwahati (xCHMSPNxDBT01118xxUM008-ZBSA.xls)
24 Advertisement for project position in the Dept of EEE, IIT Guwahati (xEEESPNSERB01366PRBA002)
25 Advertisement for project position in the Dept of CHEMISTRY, IIT Guwahati (xCHMSPNSERB00110xBKP014)
26 Advertisement for project position in the Dept of MECHANICAL, IIT Guwahati (xxMESPNxDBT00709xSKJ016-ZBSA )
27 Advertisement for project position in the Dept of CHEMISTRY, IIT Guwahati (xCHMSPNSERB01118xxUM009)
28 Advertisement for project position in the Dept of MECHANICAL, IIT Guwahati (xxMESPNSERB00817xAMD006 )
29 Advertisement for project position in the Centre for NANO, IIT Guwahati (NANOSPNDEIT00771xDPB008-TSA-4197 )
30 Advertisement for project position in the Dept of CET, IIT Guwahati (CET-P-RB-02-Phase 3 Virtual Lab )
31 Advertisement for project position in the Dept of PHYSICS, IIT Guwahati (xPHYSPNSTAR0626AMKS005_STARS_3668)
32 Advertisement for project position in the Dept of EEE, IIT Guwahati (xEEESPNSERB00567xKRS001)
33 Advertisement for project position in the Dept of CIVIL, IIT Guwahati (xxCESPNMOES00641xxSP002_0325_ZBSA )
34 Advertisement for project position in the Dept of BSBE, IIT Guwahati (BSBESPNDMRF00913xxSK012 )
35 Advertisement for project position in the Centre for Sustainable Polymer, IIT Guwahati (CFSPSPNNEDF00860xxVK019)
36 Advertisement for project position in the Centre for Sustainable Polymer, IIT Guwahati (CFSPSPNxDST00860xxVK020)
37 Advertisement for project position in the Centre for Sustainable Polymer, IIT Guwahati (xCFSPSPNxDST0860VK023 )
38 Advertisement for project position in the Centre for NANO, IIT Guwahati (NANOSPNDITY90024xHOC001-TSA-2354)
39 Advertisement for project position in the Dept of MTHEMATICS, IIT Guwahati (MATHSPNSERB01119xARC002 )
40 Advertisement for project position in the Dept of EEE, IIT Guwahati (xEEESPNSERB00875xRKS006 )
41 Advertisement for project position in the Dept of EEE, IIT Guwahati (xEEESPNxDST00883xxGT006-ZBSA-1819 )
42 Advertisement for project position in the Dept of Mechanical, IIT Guwahati (xxMESPNxSERB00976xxPK006 )
43 Advertisement for project position in the Dept of BSBE, IIT Guwahati (BSBESPNSERB00811xxBA013- STARS-3668 )
44 Advertisement for project position in the Centre for Environment, IIT Guwahati (xENVSPNxDST00617xxTB010-ZBSA-1819 )
45 Advertisement for project position in the Dept of EEE, IIT Guwahati (EEESPNMEIT00883xxGT008-ZBSA-2354 )
46 Advertisement for project position in the Dept of SESE, IIT Guwahati (xxSESESPNMOES01360xRTH004-RBI-4001 )
47 Advertisement for project position in the Centre for Environment, IIT Guwahati (xENVSPNxDST00534xxUB014-ZBSA-1819 )
48 Advertisement for the post of System Engineer Grade I (Project mode) in Research & Development Section, IIT Guwahati
49 Advertisement for project position in the Dept of BSBE, IIT Guwahati (BSBESPNxDST01213xSEN003-ZBSA-1819 )
50 Advertisement for project position in the Dept of EEE, IIT Guwahati (xEEESPNxDST01346xKUD006 )
51 Advertisement for project position in the Dept of SHST, IIT Guwahati (SHSTSPNxDBT01350xHKT001 )
52 Advertisement for project position in the Dept of CET, IIT Guwahati (xCETSPNMHRD90022HOC004-MOOCS )
53 CORRIGENDUM Advertisement for the post of Office Assistant (Project Mode) in Research & Development Section, IIT Guwahati (xRNDSPNIITG90034xIDF001)
54 Advertisement for project position in the Dept of DESIGN, IIT Guwahati (xDESSPNMEIT00834xUKD001-RBI-2354.xls ),
55 Advertisement for project position in the Dept of EEE, IIT Guwahati ( xEEESPNxDST00994xxRA003 )
56 Advertisement for project position in the Dept of Mechanical, IIT Guwahati (xxMESPNSERB00817xAMD006 )
57 Advertisement for project position in the Dept of CHEMISTRY, IIT Guwahati ( xCHMSPNSERB00110xBKP013 )
58 Advertisement for project position in School of Agro & Rural Technology, IIT Guwahati (SARTSPNDSIR00296xxSK011)
59 Advertisement for project position in the Dept of Mechanical, IIT Guwahati (xxMESPNxDST01305xSJK003 )
60 Advertisement for project position in the Dept of Computer Science, IIT Guwahati (xCSESPNSERB01284xxMP003)
61 Advertisement for project position in the Dept of CHEMISTRY, IIT Guwahati ( xCHMSPNSERB01111xKPB007 )
62 Advertisement for project position in the Dept of Mechanical, IIT Guwahati (xxMESPNINAE01219xSMH007 )
63 Advertisement for project position in the Dept of EEE, IIT Guwahati ( xEEESPNSERB00567xKRS001 )
64 Advertisement for project position in the Dept of CHEMISTRY, IIT Guwahati ( xCHMSPNSERB00863xCKJ009 )
65 Advertisement for project position in the Dept of CIVIL, IIT Guwahati ( xxCESPNxDST00054xxCM004-ZBSA-3237)
66 Advertisement for project position in the Centre for the Environment, IIT Guwahati (xENVSPNxDBT00993xLMP007)
67 Advertisement for project position in the Dept of Mechanical, IIT Guwahati (xxMESPNSERB01115xPKM004 )
68 Application request for a Post-Doctoral Fellowship (PDF) Under Visvesvaraya PhD Scheme for Electronics & IT at IIT Guwahati
69 Advertisement for the post of System Engineer Grade I (Project mode) and System Engineer (Project Mode) in Research & Development Section, IIT Guwahati
70 Advertisement for project position in the Dept of Computer Science, IIT Guwahati (xCSESPNSERB00633xHKK003)
71 Advertisement for project position in the Dept of Computer Science, IIT Guwahati (xCSESPNSERB01285xxMK004)
72 Advertisement for project position in the Dept of MATHEMATICS, IIT Guwahati ( MATHSPNSERB00409xJCK003 )
73 Advertisement for project position in the Dept of HSS, IIT Guwahati ( xHSSSPNSITA00594xxSS005)
74 Advertisement for project position in the Dept of BSBE, IIT Guwahati ( xxBSBESPNICMR00913xxSK014)
75 Advertisement for project position in the Dept of CIVIL, IIT Guwahati (xxCESPNxDST00782xxAK006-ZBSA 1819)
76 Advertisement for project position in the Dept of EEE, IIT Guwahati (xEEESPNSMER00378xxRB004-TTDF-Physical )
77 Advertisement for project position in the Dept of BSBE, IIT Guwahati ( xxBSBESPNSERB00861xxSS008 )
78 Advertisement for project position in the Dept of EEE, IIT Guwahati (xEEESPNSERB00616xxAR001 )
79 Advertisement for project position in the Centre for the Environment, IIT Guwahati (xENVSPNxDBT00993xLMP007)
80 Advertisement for project position in the Dept of PHYSICS , IIT Guwahati ( xPHYSPNSERB01152xxDB004)
81 Advertisement for project position in the Dept of PHYSICS , IIT Guwahati ( xPHYSPNSERB01170xSOC003)
82 Advertisement for project position in the Dept/School of Computer Science, IIT Guwahati (xCSESPNxDST00778xARS003)
83 Advertisement for project position in the Dept of PHYSICS , IIT Guwahati ( xPHYSPNSERB00511xxPP007)
84 Advertisement for project position in the Dept of EEE, IIT Guwahati (xEEESPNSERB00871xSKN006 )
85 Advertisement for project position in the Dept of SESE, IIT Guwahati (xCRTSPNxDBT00584xPMK010-ZBSA)
86 Advertisement for project position in the Dept of BSBE, IIT Guwahati (BSBESPNxDST01213xSEN003-ZBSA-1819 )
87 Advertisement for project position in the Dept of CHEMICAL IIT Guwahati ( xCLESPNSERB01326xSUK002)
88 Advertisement for project position in the Dept of SART, IIT Guwahati (SARTSPNDSIR00296xxSK011-ZBSA-DSIR-1826)
89 Advertisement for project position in the Dept of BSBE, IIT Guwahati (BSBESPNxDBT00420xxAG015-ZBSA )
90 Advertisement for project position in the Dept of CHEMISTRY, IIT Guwahati (xCHMSPNSERB00975xSPB004)
91 Advertisement for project position in the Center/Dept of CIVIL, IIT Guwahati (xxCESPNDTRL01140xRIB005)
92 Advertisement for project position in the Dept of EEE, IIT Guwahati (xEEESPNxDST00883xxGT006-ZBSA-1819 )
93 CORRIGENDUM Advertisement for project position in the Center/Dept of MECHANICAL,IIT Guwahati ( xxMESPNxSERB00976xxPK006 )
94 Advertisement for project positions in the Centre for NANOTECHNOLOGY, IIT Guwahati (NANOSPNDITY90024xHOC001 )
95 Advertisement for project position in the Dept of CHEMISTRY, IIT Guwahati (xCHMSPNSERB01122AKAS008)
96 Advertisement for project position in the Dept of CHEMICAL IIT Guwahati ( xCLESPNBRNS00939xxPT006 )
97 Advertisement for project position in the Center/Dept of CIVIL, IIT Guwahati ( xxCExDST00826AKMI001-ZBSA-1819)
98 Advertisement for project position in the Dept of BSBE, IIT Guwahati (BSBESPNxDBT00929xxMK012-ZBSA )
99 Advertisement for project position in the Dept of CHEMISTRY, IIT Guwahati (xCHMSPNSERB01111xKPB007)
100 Advertisement for project position in the Dept of SESE, IIT Guwahati (xxSESESPNMOES01360xRTH004-RBI-4001)
101 Advertisement for project position in the Dept of BSBE, IIT Guwahati (BSBESPNxDBT00391xxLS019-ZBSA-0150)