Doctor of Philosophy
IIT Guwahati offers Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) programme in various disciplines through the following Departments/Schools/Centres. In each discipline, specific specializations and/or research areas may also be advertised for a particular session of admissions.
Joint Degree PhD Programme with IIT (BHU)
IIT Guwahati and IIT (BHU) jointly offer PhD programme. The students admitted to this Joint Degree PhD programme (JDP) will work under the joint supervision of faculty members from both IIT Guwahati and IIT (BHU) on the specified research proposals. The students admitted at IIT Guwahati primarily work with IIT Guwahati but they will also visit IIT (BHU) for meeting the academic requirements and avail research facilities at IIT (BHU). The degree will be issued jointly by both IIT Guwahati and IIT (BHU).
Research proposals offered for the JDP with IIT (BHU) shall be advertised for admissions of the academic session starting from July. Desirous candidates may apply for the JDP by choosing the option given in the online application while selecting the research areas of the respective Departments/Schools/Centres.
The selections of students for the JDP will be along with the selections of the Departments/Schools/Centres mentioned against the proposals.
Project Mode
IIT Guwahati also offers PhD programme through Project Mode. The eligibility criteria for admission into PhD programme under Project Mode is same of that of the Regular category. The students admitted under Project Mode will be funded through sponsored research projects of IIT Guwahati. The students will work under the supervision of Principal Investigator (PI)/Co-Investigator (Co-PI) of the projects for their PhD theses. The students will not do teaching assistance duties; rather they will be working for the projects.
Interested candidates may opt for the seats under project mode by choosing the advertised projects in the online application while selecting the research areas of the respective Departments/Schools/Centres. The selections of students for the project mode seats also will be along with the selections of the Departments/Schools/Centres mentioned against the proposals.
Special Scheme for CSIR/UGC-JRF Candidates
IIT Guwahati also offers a specific number of seats specially allotted to CSIR/UGC-JRF candidates for admission to PhD programme. This scheme is available in the following departments:
- Biosciences and Bioengineering
- Chemistry
- Physics
Depending on the availability of seats, admissions through this special scheme shall be considered four times a year. In addition to admissions in July and December, the concerned departments may conduct the admissions in October and in April. CSIR/UGC-JRF qualified candidates can apply for this special scheme to pursue PhD programme. Selected candidates will be admitted under Regular Category for availing UGC/CSIR Fellowship. These candidates will not be considered for converting to Institute Assistantship at any point of time.
Visvesvaraya PhD Scheme
IIT Guwahati also offers Visvesvaraya PhD Scheme for Electronics and IT (Phase-II). Along with regular admissions, a specific number of candidates will be selected under this scheme in the following departments:
- Electronics and Electrical Engineering
- Computer Science and Engineering
Selected candidates will be admitted under Regular Category for availing Fellowship of Visvesvaraya PhD Scheme. At present, the scheme offers the following financial support:
- Fellowship: Rs. 38,750/month in 1st and 2nd years. Rs. 43,750/month for 3rd, 4th and 5th years.
- Contingency Grant: Rs. 1,20,000/year.
- Support for attending international conference and to visit labs abroad.