MA201: Mathematics-III, 2024
Complex Analysis (A broader perspective): Understanding the geometry of complex functions presents a unique challenge that is distinct from working within the Euclidean plane. Engaging with applications might be helpful in comprehending the intricate geometry of the complex plane.
Syllabus and course policy (click here)
Tutor's Information (click here)
Tutorial group information (click here)
Lecture slides: Lecture 1, Lecture 2, Lecture 3, Lecture 4, Lecture 5, Lecture 6 (Refer to Gamelin's book for more on multi-valued functions), Lecture 7, Lecture 8, Lecture 9, Lecture 10, Lecture 11, Lecture 12, Lecture 13, Lecture 14, Lecture 15, Lecture 16, Lecture 17, Lecture 18, Lecture 19, Lecture 20 (the last lecture)
Assignments: Assignment 1, Assignment 2, Assignment 3, Assignment 4, Assignment 5, Assignment 6, Assignment 7
Solutions: Assignment 1, Assignment 2 , Assignment 3, Assignment 4, Assignment 5, Assignment 6, Assignment 7
Exam solutions: Quiz-I, MidSem
Some helpful references:
1. Functions of One Complex Variable I, by J. B. Conway
2. Complex Analysis by T. Gamelin
3. A Collection of Problems on Complex Analysis, by I.G. Aramanovich, L G.L.
Lunts, and .I. Volkovyskii
[It will help understand the applications of complex analysis as well.]
4. Complex Analysis with Applications, by Loukas Grafakos and Nakhle H. Asmar [Loukas
Grafakos is a renowned Harmonic's Analyst]
5. What Is Mathematics? by R. Courant, H. Robbins, and I. Stewart
6. Our Mathematical Universe, by M. Tegmark (MIT, USA)
7. Don't Believe Everything You Think, by J. Nguyen [ For
more similar references (click here)]
Class Discipline:
During class, please ensure that your mobile phone is
turned off or set to silent mode and kept in your bag. Your bag should be placed
below the desk. Only
a copybook and pen should be kept on the classroom desk during all classes.
Please be aware that any student found with a phone or similar device on the
classroom desk, whether intentionally or unintentionally, will be asked to leave
the classroom and the incident will be reported to the academic section.